Minutes of the Evangeline Parish Library Board of Control Meeting November 27, 2023
The Evangeline Parish Library Board of Control met on Monday, November 27, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. at the Main Library on 916 West Main Street, Ville Platte, Louisiana 70586.
Salazar called the meeting to order. Joseph led the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Godeaux called roll. Present were President Sandra Salazar, Vice President Rella Joseph, Board Members Gaynelle Coates and Faye Langley, Police Jury President Bryan Vidrine, Staff Members Emily Fontenot, Suzy Lemoine, and Lisa Godeaux. Although not physically present, Board Member Linda Lebsack took part in the meeting via telephone. (Only Board members physically present voted on agenda items.)
Salazar asked if there were any amendments to the Agenda. None were made. Langley moved to approve the Agenda. Coates seconded, and the motion carried.
Joseph moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Langley seconded, and the motion carried.
Salazar asked if there were any comments on the Agenda items. None were made.
Salazar opened discussion of Old Business and called for an update from the new Basile Branch Library Committee meeting held on November 14, 2023. Langley stated that during the Committee meeting, Parish architect Brodie Ardoin had presented a plan for the building. Langley and Basile Library Branch Manager Sherry Bergeron asked whether Ardoin could incorporate into the plans some ideas the Committee had for the building. Ardoin agreed and said that the new plans would be completed by November 30, 2023. Ardoin stated that by the first quarter the Board should be able to look at construction bids. Langley said she had also spoken to the town attorney for Basile, Dave Johnson, about whether adjacent unused town property could be donated to the Library to be used for extra parking. The attorney said that it was not legal for the town to donate the property but that it might be able to lend or lease it. The library’s attorney, Jacob Broussard, will be asked to call and discuss options with Basile’s attorney.
Salazar opened the discussion of New Business. The first item was a Board of Control training presented by State Library Director Meg Placke. Placke presented an overview of the Board’s structure, authority, and responsibilities regarding the operation of the Library. She included copies of laws pertaining to libraries as well as a number of attorney general opinions on many issues that pertain to libraries (See Attached). Placke also shared information on the many programs and services the State Library provides to libraries and their patrons, including online books through the Libby and the TumbleBook apps and books and equipment for visually impaired readers.
The next item on the agenda was the approval of the following revised policies: Collection, Circulation, and new restrictive Library Cards. Fontenot reviewed the changes made to each policy. She stated that in efforts to comply with new legislation, La. ACT 436, a provision was added to the Collection Policy stating that Community Standards for the population served by the library must be part of the consideration when acquiring library material that will be accessible to minors. Specific language included in La. ACT 436 was also included in the Circulation Policy (See Attached). If a Request for Reconsideration is made regarding titles included in the Library’s collection, the Board of Control will make the determination in an open meeting. The only change to the Circulation Policy is that deposits will no longer be required for use of certain reference/study materials. Also in compliance with La. Act 436, several changes were made to the Library Card Policy. They include the following: (1)”Every cardholder from ages 0-17 must have a NEW registration card on file with the permission of a parent or guardian for RESTRICTED or UNRESTRICTED access to any physical items in the library or digital content accessed with a library card.” (2) “You are the only person who is allowed to use your card for any library services.” (3) “You are responsible for all materials checked out with that card.” Fontenot stated that the new library card policy must be in place by June 1, 2024 but that it was preferable that it be in effect before the summer reading program begins. Fontenot explained that parents will have to come in to fill out a new application for their child/children to receive a library card. The new application requires parents to choose whether their child (aged 12-17) may use the computers in the library unsupervised. Children below 12 years of age are not allowed to use computers unsupervised. The new application also requires that parents choose whether their child may have access to the electronic resources available through the library (See Attached). Joseph moved to approve the changes to the policies. Langley seconded, and the motion carried. The Library has not yet set a date for the card changes to go into effect. Fontenot reiterated that these policy changes were all made in efforts to comply with the recently approved law, La. ACT 436.
The third agenda item was setting a construction budget for the new Basile Branch Library Project. Fontenot stated that the Basile Building Committee had approved a $1.25 million budget for the construction of the new Basile Branch Library and put forth that budget for discussion/adoption. Lemoine directed Board members to view the Financial Report provided by Fontenot which specified information on the Capital Improvements account (#334) and the Ville Platte Expansion account (#333). Fontenot stated that $1,000,000 would come from the Capital Improvements account and the remaining $250,000 would come out of the Ville Platte Expansion account. Fontenot explained that the Library is not able to borrow money because it cannot indebt itself past the next upcoming 2026 tax election. Vidrine stated that if additional funds are needed for by the Library for any of the branches, the Library could request to have the tax election on an earlier ballot. Discussion ensued regarding the budget and factors which might affect costs. Vidrine moved to approve the Basile Branch Library Project Budget. Coates seconded, and the motion carried.
The fourth agenda item was approving the payment of $31,500 from the Capital Expense account that was approved for the recently completed Turkey Creek Fiber extension project. This is a savings of $8,500 from the original commitment of $40,000. Coates moved to approve the $31,500 payment. Langley seconded, and the motion carried.
Next, the Board viewed the 2024 Holiday Calendar. Joseph moved to approve the 2024 Holiday Calendar (See Attached). Langley seconded, and the motion carried.
The next item was setting the 2024 meeting dates for the Library Board of Control. After discussion, the following meeting dates were set: January 22, 2024, March 11, 2024, May 13, 2024, July 15, 2024, September 16, 2024, December 2, 2024. All meetings were set for 4:00 pm.
Salazar announced the following staff changes: Sandra Veillon (FT) and Kaye Cardenas (PT) have left the Library employ, and Mrs. Ruth Stanley (FT) will retire mid-January 2024. These changes resulted in the Library advertising for a new FT employee. Considering these changes, the Library would like to hire an additional FT employee. Fontenot and Lemoine explained the duties required of the new hires and the factors affecting their pay rate. Joseph moved to approve the hiring of two FT employees instead of one. Coates seconded, and the motion carried.
The eighth agenda item was the approval of the annual step increases for employees. After the Board viewed the salary chart, Joseph moved to approve the annual step increases. Coates seconded, and the motion carried.
The next item was the approval of the 2024 Budget and the amended 2023 Budget. Fontenot provided copies of the projected 2024 Budget as well as the amended 2023 Budget (See Attached). She explained that in 2023 the Library had come in under budget in almost all categories and gave examples of measures taken to save money. Fontenot added that the new budget included the 3% across the board raise suggested by the Police Jury to offset rising health insurance/health care costs in addition to the yearly step increases. Joseph moved to approve the 2024 Budget and the amended 2023 Budget. Langley seconded, and the motion carried.
The last item of New Business was the approval of two 2024 Fine Free periods for the months of August and December. Lemoine explained that the Library does this every year in an effort to get long overdue books returned. Langley moved to approve the two Fine Free periods. Coates seconded, and the motion carried.
The next Agenda item was the Financial Report. Fontenot had previously provided Financial Report information during discussion of the 2024 Budget.
Lemoine provided Board members with copies of the Ted Lavergne’s Facilities Report.
Lemoine also provided the Board with copies of the Outreach Report. She reminded members about the upcoming Library BookFest on December 9, 2023.
Langley moved to adjourn. Ardoin seconded, and the motion carried.
The next Library Board of Control Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 22, 2024, at
4:00 p.m. at the Ville Platte Library.
September 11, 2023
Minutes of the Evangeline Parish Library Board of Control Meeting September 11, 2023
The Evangeline Parish Library Board of Control met on Monday, September 11, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. at the Main Library on 916 West Main Street, Ville Platte, Louisiana 70586.
Salazar called the meeting to order. Coates led the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Godeaux called roll. Present were President Sandra Salazar, Board Members Gaynelle Coates, Faye Langley, and Linda Lebsack, Friends of the Library Member Paula Soileau, Staff Members Emily Fontenot, Suzy Lemoine, Lakeishia Ford, and Lisa Godeaux. Absent were Police Jury President Bryan Vidrine and Board Vice President Rella Joseph.
Salazar asked if there were any amendments to the Agenda. None were made. Langley moved to approve the Agenda. Lebsack seconded, and the motion carried.
Coates moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Langley seconded, and the motion carried.
Salazar asked if there were any comments on the Agenda items. None were made.
Salazar opened discussion of Old Business and called for discussion of the “hold” status on updating the following policies based on the passage of ACT 436 (SB7): Collection, Circulation, Patron Behavior, Library Card, Electronic resources, and Unattended Children. Salazar stated that the Board has been waiting for guidance from the State Library. Lemoine stated that although the Board has already reviewed and updated the policies, we will wait to implement the updated policies until we get guidance from the State Library. The verbiage of the bill is very general and does not specify exact expectations. Fontenot stated that the State Library has requested clarification in writing from the Attorney General’s Office as to exact expectations. The Board agreed by acclamation to continue the “hold” status.
Salazar asked Langley for an update from the Basile Branch Library Committee. Langley stated that the Committee had discussed the floor plan changes suggested by Brodie Ardoin. Langley attended a town council meeting and had spoken to the council members and town attorney. She also stated that the committee is still waiting to hear from the state regarding permits for entrances from state roads as well as a determination on whether drainage issues would require the construction of a retention pond. Langley also stated that the committee asked whether part of the 60 feet of long-unused town property could be donated to the library to be used for extra parking. Langley gave examples of some of the changes that were being made to the plans as well as some of the options for building materials. Langley brought up the question of the budget for the project, whether the Library could afford the cost of the new Basile Library as proposed, and whether waiting to build would be affected by rising costs. Lemoine suggested that a “non-ordinary” finance committee be set up to look at these concerns. The non-ordinary status allows the committee to include all Board Members. This committee could meet and then report their findings/recommendations to the public at a regular Board meeting.
Langley stated that Parish Engineer Ronnie Landreneau had assured her that none of the work he had done for the proposed Ville Platte expansion would be lost but could be put on hold. Langley suggested the Board look at the needs and priorities for all six parish libraries. She stated that common public spaces were needed at all libraries to accommodate the growing number of programs the libraries offer. She suggested delaying the Ville Platte Library expansion indefinitely and redirecting some of those designated funds to meet the needs of some of the other branches. Discussion ensued regarding possible ways to fund improvements at all libraries. The question arose whether the Board could add an extra room to both the Pine Prairie and Turkey Creek Libraries as well as construct the new Basile Library by redirecting some of the money from the Ville Platte Expansion Fund. Coates suggested using $200,000 of the expansion funds to add an additional room to both the Turkey Creek and Pine Prairie Libraries. Fontenot suggested moving forward to create a Finance Committee to address these concerns as well as set the budget for the Basile Library. Fontenot stated that borrowing additional money was not an option at this time with the upcoming tax election because the Board cannot extend itself financially beyond that tax election. If the tax election fails, the Library may have to use surplus funds to continue to function. Discussion continued on the growing role of our libraries as social centers and providers of education and assistance. Langley asked how much money should always be kept in capital funds. Fontenot stated that a minimum of $35,000 should be put kept in the account based on prior budgets.
Lemoine gave an update on the requested property donation from the town of Basile. The Basile town attorney, Dave Johnson, had explained that since this would be a municipal donation to a municipal entity, the process would be lengthy and very complicated. The Board discussed options for handling parking at the new Basile Library.
Langley moved to create a Capital Projects Fund Committee. Lebsack seconded, and the motion carried. Meeting times for the Committee will be set later.
Salazar opened the discussion of New Business. The first item was reviewing and updating the following policies: Required Reading Lists, FAQ’s about Donations, Personnel, Volunteer Services, Hurricane Response, and Sex Offenders. Lemoine briefly reviewed the updated information the policies covered. The Board made minor wording changes, and the date of review was changed to September 11, 2023.
Lemoine reviewed the Summer Reading Statistics for each of the branches as well as the parish statistics. The Summer Reading Statistics have also been published in a Bonne Nouvelle article. She also announced that the Evangeline Parish Library would be receiving grant funding from the Acadiana Center for the Arts to cover part of the costs of the 2024 Summer Reading Program.
Salazar asked for a review of the LSW Overdrive Annual Report. Overdrive, now called Libby, is the system our Library uses to provide online books to patrons free of charge. Fontenot stated that the cost to the Library is $6,500 annually, which is far lower than many parishes in our region. There has been a 500% increase in the number of patrons who use this service in recent years.
Lemoine and Fontenot gave a report on their recent attendance at the state library two-day Directors Boot Camp. They shared information on a number of the topics that were covered including the process involved in building a library as well as changes coming with the implementation of Act 436 (SB7). Lemoine shared that she had requested that the new State Librarian Meg Placke present a short training session for the Library Board of Control members on November 27, 2023.
Salazar gave an update on employees who have received or will be receiving their Library Support Staff Certification this year. Janice Fontenot, Amy King, and Lakeishia Ford have completed their certification, and Gigi Fontenot and Angela Henry expect to complete their certification by the end of the year. Lemoine stated that our Library has the highest percentage of certified Library Support Staff in the region.
Salazar asked for the Financial Report. Fontenot handed out an account breakdown of expected revenue, actual revenue, and expenses through the end of July. She explained that the Library is under budget in most categories and explained that some of the costs are one-time annual expenses. Fontenot shared some of the ways the Library Management Team has been able to reduce expenses.
Lemoine gave the Facilities Report. She stated that each branch has a maintenance log to better communicate with Facilities Staff and to document work being done. A weekly schedule was created to organize maintenance tasks and allow more time to be spent at each library. This also attempts to make the most efficient use of time and cut down mileage costs.
Ford gave the Outreach Report. She stated that in July, Anna Steckler, Miss Acadiana USA, presented a Healthy Habits program in which students learned about the food pyramid and healthy snacks and even prepared their own trail mix. During the Summer Reading Program, 9,040 books were read throughout the parish. The Library has donated books to the Evangeline Reimagine Academy to help them build their library. Ford took part in the Evangeline Community Action “Back to School Rally” which provided students with many items needed for the start of the school year. At the rally Ford presented information about the Library and the many programs/services. She shared that many expressed surprise at all the Library does for the community. Ford has also started going out to read to the children at Beech Street Save the Children (Headstart) for story hour. Ford stated that all library branches are continuing with their programming and actively promoting their many programs on Facebook. The Pine Prairie Library has started chair workout sessions.
Coates moved to adjourn. Lebsack seconded, and the motion carried.
The next Library Board of Control Meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 27, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. at the Ville Platte Library.
Saved: Shared: Board Meetings and More / 2023 / Board Minutes
July 10, 2023
Minutes of the Evangeline Parish Library Board of Control Meeting July 10, 2023
The Evangeline Parish Library Board of Control met on Monday, July 10, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. at the Main Library on 916 West Main Street, Ville Platte, Louisiana 70586.
Salazar called the meeting to order. Rella Joseph led the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Godeaux called roll. Present were President Sandra Salazar, Vice President Rella Joseph, Board Members Gaynelle Coates, Faye Langley, and Linda Lebsack, Parish Engineer Ronnie Landreneau, Friends of the Library Member Paula Soileau, Library Assistant Director Wesley Saunders, Staff Members Emily Fontenot, Suzy Lemoine, Lakeishia Ford, Ted Lavergne, and Lisa Godeaux. Absent was Police Jury President Bryan Vidrine.
Salazar asked if there were any amendments to the Agenda. None were made. Joseph moved to approve the Agenda. Langley seconded, and the motion carried.
Lemoine stated that the speaker request form to be used by the public when requesting to address the Library Board of Control was included with the minutes for the previous meeting. The use of a form had been approved in the previous meeting. Joseph moved to approve the Minutes of the March 13, 2023 Library Board of Control Meeting. Lebsack seconded, and the motion carried.
Salazar asked if there were any comments on the Agenda items. Lemoine extended “happy birthday” wishes to Salazar from the library staff.
Salazar opened discussion of Old Business and asked Langley and Landreneau for an update from the Basile Branch Library Committee. Landreneau stated that the committee had met and that the drawings he was presenting showed two possible floor plans. The proposed meeting room would hold 100 chairs or 150 seated on the floor. Landreneau stated that the design being viewed was not what the committee asked for and asked that individual committee members write suggestions and comments on the plans. He stated he will try to incorporate those changes for the next meeting. Langley asked about square footage and whether the shelving vendor had been contacted for his input. Landreneau stated that the plans included approximately 4,400 square feet and that Brodie Ardoin had been in contact with the shelving vendor after receiving input from the Basile personnel regarding the number of books and shelf space needed. Landreneau drew attention to several key requested items on the designs. In response to questions about driveway entrances, Landreneau stated that he would contact the mayor’s office about having an entrance on a side street. Landreneau stated that he had met with the DOTD for driveway parking permits and that the locations of the driveway entrances would largely be controlled by those permits. Landreneau reminded the Board that the plans were still preliminary suggestions. Fontenot asked about the cost based on the current plans. Landreneau stated that a rough estimate of costs would be from $1.25 million to $1.5 million based on the current square footage. Discussion ensued about costs. Lemoine stated if the Library could not afford that amount, the Committee could look at options and make changes. Lebsack asked whether the designated mechanical/storage areas would be enough. Landreneau stated that they were enough. Langley asked if the Basile Branch Library Committee could set the date for their next meeting. It was decided that Landreneau will contact the Committee with possible dates between now and the end of July.
Salazar asked for a review of legislation that was proposed by AG Jeff Landry and Senator Heather Cloud and recently passed, SB7, and its effect on Library policies and procedures. Lemoine stated that the State Library’s response was that while the law becomes effective August 1, library policies are not required to be in place until January 1, 2024, and the new library card policies do not have to be in place until June 2024. The Library will change the language in its collection policy based on the new law. To meet the requirements of the new law, the Library will offer restricted and unrestricted cards. Children 12 and under will have a restricted card, meaning they must have a parent with them to come to the library, check out books, use patron computers, or access Libby (online books/materials). Children 13 or older can have either a restricted or unrestricted card at the discretion of their parents. If they have an unrestricted card, they still need signed permission from a parent to use the Internet. Lebsack asked about who would oversee the implementation of these policies. Lemoine stated that the State Library had asked libraries to update/change policies where necessary. Lebsack asked about the financial consequences of infractions. Saunders stated that there are questions concerning the law which have not yet been ironed out, particularly regarding the meaning and intentions of the different authors of the original bill. Saunders stated that the State Library will spearhead the effort to get AG Jeff Landry and Senator Heather Cloud to clarify specifics. Saunders’ understanding from the state at this point is that children’s cards will stay the same unless parents request that they be restricted. The State Library will provide further direction early in the fall so libraries can have policies in place. Fontenot stated that our library system will be moving the teen books further away from the children’s section, possibly into the adult section. Lemoine stated that there has been little to no feedback/questions about the issues this law addresses.
Salazar opened the discussion of New Business and asked Fontenot to review the 2022 Annual Report. Fontenot expressed appreciation for the help that Tina and Amy King provided in preparing the 2022 Annual Report. Fontenot stated that the annual report details many aspects of each individual library, including circulation, population base, activities, program attendance, and patron computer use, and provides a comprehensive snapshot of each library as well as the entire system. It is a compilation of all the documentation the library is required to keep each year.
Salazar opened the review of the 2022 Police Jury Audit results submitted by Kolder, Slaven & Company, CPA Firm. Fontenot stated that there were no issues reported and that it was recommended that a board member sign off on financial transactions. Salazar signs the necessary documents.
Salazar announced grant funding from the USDA Distance Learning & Telemedicine Program for the Ville Platte Main Library, Turkey Creek & Chataignier Branch Libraries. Landreneau explained that once fiber gets into our parish, telemedicine stations will be placed at each public facility, including those three library facilities. Landreneau stated that this program is mainly intended to assist in rural areas and should be of great benefit to many people in our parish. People will be able to get on the Internet and get medical help/advice. Lemoine explained that the Evangeline Parish Library system will be awarded $40,000 to implement this 5-year program including the fiber connection, telemedicine carts, software, and staff training, giving people access to telehealth services through those libraries. The grant allows payment if up to %10 of our fiber extension costs. Aside from the three libraries, telehealth stations will be located at Mercy Regional Hospital, SLCC Coreil Campus, Chicot State Park, and the school-based telehealth stations at the 13 schools in the parish. Evangeline Parish is receiving $500,000 total for this program. Lebsack asked about fees after the initial grant payment. Lemoine explained that our local match is paid with in-kind, providing of space, utilities, etc.
Salazar called for discussion on updating the following policies based on the passage of SB7: Collection, Circulation, Patron Behavior, & Unattended Children. Lemoine stated that the Collection Policy will include the specific wording from SB7. Regarding the Circulation Policy, Lemoine stated that a Parent Choice form will be implemented to indicate whether parents want their children to have restricted or unrestricted access to library materials and resources. Any age restrictions previously listed for children below 10 years or younger will now be raised to 12 years of age. Also regarding the Circulation Policy, the Library will no longer require deposits for checking out test prep books. Patrons will be encouraged to use resources from the State Library since these are the most up-to-date. Many of these can be accessed from our Library’s webpage.
The Patron Behavior Policy will now require patrons to be at least 12 years of age to use patron computers.
The Unattended Children Policy restrictions will now include children up to age 12. The finalized policies will be available at the next meeting. Lemoine stated that efforts are being made to update all other library policies by the end of the year.
Langley moved to accept the changes to the policies. Joseph seconded, and the motion carried.
Salazar asked Ford for an update on the progress of the Summer Reading Program. She stated that the Summer Reading Program is going well with about an 80% completion rate. The arts and entertainment programs the Library has been providing have been well received, particularly the performances by Lady Chops.
Lemoine announced that the Library has received grant funding from the Louisiana Endowment for Humanities. The Library is partnering with the Evangeline Parish School System to bring Dr. Elista Istre’s presentation called “Evangeline: the Myth and the Maiden” to seven schools in our parish. Lemoine stated that through this effort, the Library hoped to bring greater understanding of Louisiana history and an appreciation for our parish’s namesake. Lemoine stated that we have also applied for a grant from the Acadiana Center for the Arts which would help pay for the Summer Reading Program for next year. The Library should receive a decision next month.
Salazar asked Fontenot to give the Financial Report. Fontenot stated that we are on track to be under budget thus far. Funds from the dedicated Capital Improvement Fund 334 were used in Pine Prairie to expand the parking lot, build a sidewalk, and install a gate from the parking lot. Funds were also used build a desk for the circulation area in Turkey Creek and to pay Attorney Brent Coreil for work he did for the library. Fontenot stated that the balance in that account is $1.168 million and that funds for the Basile Library would need to come from this account. Fontenot stated that after paying Landreneau for the preliminary work done for the Ville Platte Library expansion, the Library expansion account balance is $779,000. She stated that the Library is working hard to save money on supplies, services we pay for, etc.
Coates moved to accept the Financial Report. Lebsack seconded, and the motion carried.
Lavergne gave the Facilities Report. Lavergne provided a list of work being done at each library, including grass cutting, washing of buildings, and pickup and delivery of books. He stated that we would be trying a new system for delivery and pickup which would change to allow Facilities personnel to stay about four hours a week at each branch, thus allowing more needs to be addressed at the individual branches. On Thursdays Lavergne will do pickup and delivery at all libraries and monitor the work that has been done. Lemoine added that new forms were being used to help managers communicate the needs of their branches more completely and efficiently. Salazar thanked Lavergne for work.
Ford gave the Outreach Report and stated that she had been in contact with personnel from the Save the Children Program and that they wanted to partner with the library to give back to the community. Ford stated that Save the Children’s global program was replacing the Headstart Program, and she gave examples of the many services Save the Children can provide for children and for family members as well. Ford also stated that weekly and monthly programs at the different branches continue to be well attended. The Craft and Bingo sessions at Ville Platte have been so well attended that extra sessions have been added.
Joseph pointed out that Coates’ term on the Board was ending. An amendment to the agenda was added to ask Coates if she would remain on the board for another term which would extend to 2028. Coates agreed to serve another term.
Joseph moved to adjourn. Langley seconded, and the motion carried.
The next Library Board of Control Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 11, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. at the Ville Platte Library.
Saved: Shared: Board Meetings and More / 2023 / Board Minutes
March 13, 2023

January 9, 2023
December 1, 2022 Minutes