The main library and all branches are closed Tue. Dec. 24th through Thur. Dec. 26th for Christmas break. We wish everybody a very merry Christmas.
We’ve heard from many adults who speak local French that they would like to have a place to gather to speak French while visiting. So, we are offering an opportunity for folks to join Mrs. Jackie Miller at 3:30 pm on Monday afternoons in the Multipurpose Room at the Main library in Ville Platte for an Allons parler en français experience!
We’ve heard from many adults who speak local French that they would like to have a place to gather to speak French while visiting. So, we are offering an opportunity for folks to join Mrs. Jackie Miller at 3:30 pm on Monday afternoons in the Multipurpose Room at the Main library in Ville Platte for an Allons parler en français experience!
The Library Board of Control will meet Thursday, January 9th at 12 noon at the main library in Ville Platte. The meeting is open to the public, and public comments are welcome.
We’ve heard from many adults who speak local French that they would like to have a place to gather to speak French while visiting. So, we are offering an opportunity for folks to join Mrs. Jackie Miller at 3:30 pm on Monday afternoons in the Multipurpose Room at the Main library in Ville Platte for an Allons parler en français experience!
We’ve heard from many adults who speak local French that they would like to have a place to gather to speak French while visiting. So, we are offering an opportunity for folks to join Mrs. Jackie Miller at 3:30 pm on Monday afternoons in the Multipurpose Room at the Main library in Ville Platte for an Allons parler en français experience!
The Mystery Book Club will meet Wednesday January 29th at the Main Library (Ville Platte) at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome. The book for the month is “The Goldfinch ” By Donna Tartt.
We’ve heard from many adults who speak local French that they would like to have a place to gather to speak French while visiting. So, we are offering an opportunity for folks to join Mrs. Jackie Miller at 3:30 pm on Monday afternoons in the Multipurpose Room at the Main library in Ville Platte for an Allons parler en français experience!
The Basile Branch library hosted its first conversational French program called “Conversation De Cafe” on every other Tuesday, at 9:00 am. Please spread the word and bring your French speaking friends to help others learn and continue our Cajun heritage!
The FIRST TUESDAY of each month the main library will host a one-on-one grief counseling opportunity at 2 pm for anyone in need. This counseling will be free of charge and will be offered by the Louisiana Hospice & Palliative Care. The counselor is Sylvia Milburn-Johnson. The first session is February 4th. First come first basis.
We’ve heard from many adults who speak local French that they would like to have a place to gather to speak French while visiting. So, we are offering an opportunity for folks to join Mrs. Jackie Miller at 3:30 pm on Monday afternoons in the Multipurpose Room at the Main library in Ville Platte for an Allons parler en français experience!
We’ve heard from many adults who speak local French that they would like to have a place to gather to speak French while visiting. So, we are offering an opportunity for folks to join Mrs. Jackie Miller at 3:30 pm on Monday afternoons in the Multipurpose Room at the Main library in Ville Platte for an Allons parler en français experience!
Lafayette, Lafayette Regional Airport, LA
Last Updated on Jun 5 2024, 6:53 am CDT
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Current Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Temp: 79°F
Wind: SE at 6mph
Humidity: 94%
Dewpoint: 77.0°F
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