Join the Genealogical and Historical Society for its quarterly meeting on Sat. July 22nd at 9:30 am in the multipurpose room of the main library. Guest speaker is Shera Broussard LaPoint from Bunkie, speaking on “Genealogy and DNA.” Everybody is welcome. A business meeting will follow the guest presentation.
The Library Board of Control will meet Tues. July 25th at 4 pm at the Main Library (Ville Platte). Everybody is welcome.
Friday July 28th is the last day to turn in reading logs at all locations except Turkey Creek (Turkey Creek was July 27th). Sorry, no exceptions.
The Evangeline Genealogical & Historical Society will meet Sat. Oct. 21st at 9:30 am at the main library (Ville Platte). Guest speaker, James Douget from Opelousas, has reprinted author Susan Douget’s book “Sous Cette Pierre, Repose: Tombstone inscriptions of the old St. Landry Catholic Church Cemetery in Opelousas.” Mr. Douget is also a board member of the Orphan Train Society. Everybody is very welcome. Please join us, bring a friend.
Enjoy “Fun with French” storytime Monday Oct. 23rd at 3:30 pm at the main library (Ville Platte). Coordinated by Jo Anna Miller and Christine Soileau, there will be lots of fun for all ages.
The Mystery Book Club will hold its monthly meeting at the Main Library (Ville Platte) on Wed. Oct. 25th at 10:30 am in the multipurpose room. The book of the month is “Midnight at the Bright Ideas Book Store” by Matthew Sullivan. You are very welcome to come even if you haven’t read the book!
October 30th at 4:45 pm is the deadline for patrons ages 5 through 17 to turn in their entries at the Mamou Branch Library for the Branch’s Halloween Coloring Contest. All entries must have the person’s name, age, and phone number on the back. The winner will be picked on Oct. 31st at 10 am. For more information, please call the Mamou Branch at 468-5750.
The Main Library and all branches will be closed Thursday Nov. 23rd through Sunday Nov. 26th for Thanksgiving break. Each branch will reopen at its regularly scheduled time on Monday Nov. 27th.
The Mystery Book Club will meet Wed. Nov. 29th at the main library (Ville Platte) at 10:30 am. The book of the month is “The Drop” by Michael Connelly. Please come and enjoy the fellowship even if you haven’t read the book!
Free assistance with Health Insurance Marketplace and Medicaid Expansion at the Evangeline Parish Library (916 W. Main, Ville Platte) on Monday Dec. 4th from 8:30 am till 4 pm. This is by appointment with Jackie Rowe, Certified Navigator. Walk-ins will be accepted only if time is available. To contact Ms. Jackie to make an appointment, please call her at 337-989-0001. This is an enrollment event, and calling her in advance is strongly advised to ensure not only that you can schedule a time that is convenient but also to ensure that you bring all the needed items with you.
The Library Board meeting originally scheduled for Nov. 14th in Mamou has been rescheduled to Dec. 11th in Ville Platte. It will be held at the main library in Ville Platte at 4 pm. The meeting is open to the public, and public attendance and comments are encouraged. Refreshments will be served.
The main library and all branches will be closed Tuesday Jan. 16th. All scheduled events for the day are cancelled.
Winter “Fine Free” period ends Jan. 16th at the main library and all branches.
The Friends of the Library meeting scheduled for Tuesday Jan. 16th at 4:30 pm at the main library has been cancelled due to possible winter storm. It will be rescheduled as soon as possible.
The Evangeline Genealogical and Historical Society will meet Sat. Jan. 20th at 9:30 a.m. at the main library. The meeting is open to everybody, and new researchers are very welcome.
The Search Committee of the Library Board of Control will meet on Tuesday Jan. 23rd at 3 pm at the main library. The meeting is open to the public. This is the initial meeting of the search committee to prepare for the search for a new library director to replace Mary Foster-Galasso, who is retiring in August. Meg Placke, Associate State Librarian, will address the committee, and anybody else who wishes to attend, in an orientation to the search process.
The Library Board of Control will meet Tues. Jan. 23rd at the main library at 4 p.m. Everybody is welcome, and public comments are encouraged. The Board will elect officers for 2018, review the results of the police jury’s bid opening for the building of the new Chataignier Branch, receive an initial report from the Board Search Committee, and conduct other business. A full agenda will be posted no later than 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Artists of Evangeline Parish are invited to apply for Art Spark Individual Artist Stipends. If you are an artist in any medium who lives in the eight parish Acadiana region, you are invited to attend an application assistance workshop on Jan. 24th at noon at the main library (Ville Platte). The application deadline is Feb. 23, 2019. For more information, please contact Suzy Lemoine at the library 337 363-1369, or Gwen Richard with the Acadiana Center for the Arts at 337 233 7060.
The Mystery Book Club will meet Wed. Jan. 31st at 10:30 a.m. in the multipurpose room of the main library (Ville Platte). Everybody is welcome. The book of the month is “The Lying Game” by Ruth Ware. For more information, please contact Janis Landreneau at [email protected].
The Library Board Search Committee will meet Thurs. March 1st at 9 a.m. at the main library (Ville Platte) to review initial applications. The meeting is open to the public.
The Search Committee of the Library Board of Control will meet Thurs. March 1st at 9 a.m. in the Genealogy Room of the Main Library. The meeting is open to the public. An agenda is posted at the library.
The Library Search Committee will meet at 3 p.m. on Tues. March 20th at the main library. The meeting is open to the public.
The Library Board of Control will meet Tues. Jan. 20th at 4 p.m. The meeting is open to the public, and an agenda will be posted no later than 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
The main library and all branches are closed all day Friday March 30th in observance of Good Friday.
The Library Board Search Committee will meet Tues. April 17th at 10 a.m. The meeting is open to the public, and all are welcome. This is expected to be the final meeting of the Search Committee, as it sets up everything for the finalist interviews and hiring decision at the full Library Board meeting on May 15th at 1 p.m.
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