We sure had a tough time making the decision to cancel our 2022 Library Fest but for the safety of our traveling and local authors, vendors, community partners and, of course, our patrons, it was the most prudent thing to do with a freezing weather forecast. We look forward to planning our 2023 Fest at another time of the year. Thanks to all who helped us promote this fun manner of giving “thanks” to our library patrons and the residents of Evangeline Parish for their support of the library system throughout the parish!

It is Thanksgiving week so visit a library near you to see some lovely decorations and, in some, backdrops for family and friend photo opportunities. There are many programs going on at the main library and the branches, so we encourage all to visit the Facebook pages of each to get the current information.

Note that the main library and all branches will be closed to celebrate Thanksgiving this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (11-24 thru 26, 2022).

Ville Platte main will have Family Bingo on November 23,2022 @ 4:00pm. Come out and enjoy this event! The Mystery Book Club will meet in Ville Platte on Wednesday, November 30th @ 10:30 for their monthly book discussion. New members are always welcomed. Also, Ville Platte main will have Grief Support meeting @ 2:00pm. We are here for you if you’re in need.

You can always call the main library @ 337-363-1369 or send an email to evangeline_parish@yahoo.com for more information. Visit our main library and branch library Facebook pages or www.evangelinelibrary.org for all of the weekly, monthly and upcoming events and never forget that libraries do change lives…. even in the cloud! Suzy Lemoine, Outreach Coordinator.

Suzy Lemoine

Evangeline Parish Outreach Coordinator


916 W. Main St., Ville Platte, LA 70586

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Lafayette, Lafayette Regional Airport, LA

Last Updated on Jun 5 2024, 6:53 am CDT

Current Conditions: Partly Cloudy


Temp: 79°F

Wind: SE at 6mph

Humidity: 94%

Dewpoint: 77.0°F

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