January 13, 2025

The Evangeline Parish Library Board of Control met on Monday, January 13, 2025 at 4:00 pm at the Main Library on 916 West Main Street, Ville Platte, Louisiana 70586.

Salazar called the meeting to order.  Reverend Jermaine Tezeno led the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Godeaux called roll.  Present were President Sandra Salazar, Vice President Rella Joseph, Police Jury President Kevin Veillon, Board Members Linda Lebsack, Rella Joseph, and Gaynelle Coates, Friends of the Library Member Paula Lafleur, Reverend Jermaine Tezeno, and Staff Members Emily Fontenot, Suzy Lemoine, Chris Hogue, and Lisa Godeaux.

Lemoine stated for the record that technical issues were preventing the meeting from being streamed on YouTube but that the meeting was being tape recorded and the security camera in the Meeting Room would serve to record the meeting.                                                                     Salazar asked if there were any amendments to the Agenda.  None were made.  Coates moved to approve the Agenda. Lebsack seconded, and the motion carried.

Joseph moved to accept the Minutes from the previous meeting.  Coates seconded, and the motion carried.  Salazar asked whether there were any public comments on Agenda items.  None were made.

Salazar opened discussion of Old Business and asked for an update from the Basile Building Committee on the progress of the new Basile Library project.  Langley stated that the building is beautiful and that they are very pleased with the project manager.  He is keeping them informed of progress and had stated that construction was at least a month ahead of schedule.  They are currently waiting for phone and Internet companies to install the necessary equipment/wiring before advancing in some areas.  Fontenot stated that we had contacted ISS to coordinate with the phone and Internet companies.  Lemoine stated that the duct work was complete, some off the walls had been painted, and the sidewalks had been laid.  She stated that they planned to meet with the last of the furniture vendors this week and that the Committee was reviewing competitive quotes from three companies for shelving.   Lemoine also shared that the Library has a lot of support in Basile and that we were planning a fundraiser that would incorporate painting an image of a tree on one of the walls and selling “leaves” to be added to the tree in honor or in memorial of someone.  Langley stated that a patron wanted to donate some antiques along with other special items to the new library. Lemoine stated that we had paid the third invoice to the construction company and that the building should be completed without incurring any debt.  Langley stated that the Basile Library is booming right now with its many programs and strong public support and that patrons are making suggestions for more programs once the new Library is completed and more space is available.

Next, Lemoine shared more information on the fundraiser for the Basile Library. A form is being put together to purchase leaves and would be available in March.  The leaves would be sold for $100 each and the fundraiser would be ongoing. 

Salazar opened discussion of new Business.  Coates moved to keep the current officers, Salazar (President) and Joseph (Vice-President).  Langley seconded, and the motion carried.

The second item was the report from the State Library on the use of public libraries (See Attached).  Lemoine stated that state funding we receive is based on our population and statistics detailing library use.  She listed many examples of the growing use of Louisiana libraries as well as the services our own parish libraries provide.  Fontenot shared that both our program attendance, use of Wi-Fi, and circulation statistics had grown significantly.

Next, Salazar reminded Board members of their annual training requirements: Cyber Security, Sexual Harassment Prevention & Ethics.

Agenda Item 4 was the discussion of plans to expand the program rooms of the Turkey Creek and Pine Prairie branches in 2025.  Lemoine stated that she and Fontenot felt the need to involve an architect in the planned expansions. She asked Veillon if the Library could deviate from the norm and hire its own architect since the cost for both expansions is expected to be less than $100,000.  Lemoine stated that they would like to engage Architect Jill Stevens to help ensure that all building codes were followed correctly.  Lemoine stated that Stevens was available and that the additions were not complicated, mainly involving closing in two areas and adding bathrooms.  Veillon stated that he would put the Library’s request to engage its own architect for these projects on the February Police Jury Meeting Agenda.  Fontenot stated that the old carpeting for both libraries would be changed and some of the walls possibly repainted while the expansions were in progress.

Lemoine gave an overview of proposed library events for 2025 (See Attached).  Lemoine listed the programs at the different branches and provided a sample of Ville Platte’s program calendar.  She stated that the program calendar and activities at each library are posted on the Library website as well as each individual library’s Facebook page.  Line Dancing is a new program that will be starting at the Main Branch next month.  This year two Library Fests are being planned, and the dates will be finalized and announced at a later meeting.

Fontenot gave the financial report. She provided printouts detailing the expenses and balances for each of the Library accounts (See Attached).  Fontenot stated that since it is the beginning of the year, there are not many expenses showing yet.  She explained that the rollback in our millage from 5.3 to 4.76 percent would result in the Library receiving about $24,000-$25,000 less than the previous year.  Fontenot stated that the Library should be okay as great care is taken to monitor and lower expenses where possible.  Lebsack asked whether the additional increase in employee wages discussed in the December meeting would be possible. Fontenot stated that by the March meeting, more information would be available to help make the decision.  Fontenot and Lemoine stated that the money spent for the security system upgrade had been well spent and that the images from the security cameras were much clearer.

Hogue presented the Facilities Report.   Aside from routine maintenance, Hogue stated that the lights in the Ville Platte Library parking lot had been changed and that he had reinforced the locks on the new storage building.  Fontenot explained the routine Hogue and Deshotels follow a schedule in maintaining the six branches and making deliveries.  Lemoine stated that the Library had applied for a grant for five large trash receptacles through the Keep Louisiana Beautiful Program.  The receptacles would be heavy and may require the use of a forklift to unload and move them.  Lemoine asked Veillon whether the Police Jury has equipment the Library could borrow in the event that the Library was awarded the grant.  Veillon stated that if the Police Jury did not have a forklift, he had one he would lend the Library. 

Next, Lemoine gave the Outreach Report.  Basile and Pine Prairie continue to go out to visit daycare programs, and Ville Platte continues to go out to the Headstart program.  Lemoine stated that Ford, the Outreach Coordinator, was unable to attend today’s meeting but would provide information about ongoing and new programs at the next meeting.

Langley moved to adjourn.  Lebsack seconded, and the motion carried. 

The next Board Meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2025 at 4 pm.

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