Registration is required. Space is limited, but walk-ins will be accepted on a space available basis. The classes are FREE to our adult library card holders and patrons who live, work attend school, own property in Evangeline Parish.
The MAKE-UP Computer Class for Internet Part 2 is scheduled for Friday, May 22nd @ 10 am.
The main library and its branches will resume their normal schedules on Thursday, May 7th.
Monday, May 4th @ 10 am is Word Basics and at 1 pm Computer Security. Registration is required. Space is limited, but walk-ins will be accepted on a space available basis. The classes are FREE to our adult library card holders and patrons who live, work attend school, own property in Evangeline Parish.
The Evangeline Parish public libraries are closing at noon today, Monday April 27th, due to weather issues. The Chataignier Branch Library will not open today.
The computer class offered this morning at the main library (Ville Platte) is available for walk in students. The class scheduled for one p.m. to three p.m. today is cancelled.