The Library’s Summer Performing Series begins with Jerie Ford, a former soloist with the Baton Rouge Symphony chorus and vocalist with the Buddy Lee Orchestra.  Ms. Ford will perform the mini-musical, “The Topsy Turvy Funny, Fantabulous, Wonderful World of Feelings” Tues. June 5th at Turkey Creek Branch at 10 and at the Main Library (Ville Platte) at 2  and 6; Wed. June 6th at Pine Prairie Branch at 10 and at the Mamou Teen Center at 2, and Thurs. June 7th at Basile Branch at 10 and Chataignier Village Hall at 3.  For more information about these performances and about all the great Summer Reading activities, click on the “Dream Big: Read, Summer Reading 2012” banner on this page.  It will lead you to event calendars, performer biographies, reading logs, lists of our sponsors, and more!  Have a great summer with the library, and help us get off to a great start by welcoming Ms. Jerie Ford!

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