We will be discussing grants for Summer Reading and general planning for the rest of the year. Everybody is welcome. Please come and bring a friend!
To read the minutes of the latest meeting of the Library Board of Control, go to the Board Agendas and Minutes link on this webpage. You can also read minutes of previous meetings.
Grandparents as well as parents are welcome to come and enjoy the experience with their little ones!
They chose “The Maze Runner” by James Dashner. New members ages 13-17 years old are always welcomed.
DR. DOUGLAS RAY-BREAUX is traveling from Houston, TX, to share his new book, “The Color of Freedom After the Turbulent ’60s”, which fosters a healthy and positive image of the black cultural heritage from a culture evolutionary perspective. This approach empowers the readers by describing the psycho-social behavior and growth of Blacks in overcoming the disparities; in family/cultural values, economic, education, and health care. The public is invited.